A Link Up to Christian Bloggers

As Anita from Dreaming Beneath The Spires recently said, “If one does not expend the time in blog maintenance in a sense you’ve wasted your writing time, since no one reads it.” I think this is very true, so I try to take advantage of link ups to other Christian blogs when I can, as it hopefully will lead to more people reading this blog, as well as giving current readers a chance to find other blogs, and having a bit of fun!

So I’m linking up to Women Living Well’s Ultimate Blog Bash 2011 where Courtney has all the different blogs neatly categorised so you can find what interests you. I like her blog because she is very Biblical, straightforward, practical, challenging and gracious. So I expect the majority of the links there will be helpful blogs as well – you can click below to find them.

The condition of linking up is to write a post about yourself – yikes! My background is on the ‘about’ page so I will just write a few random things that aren’t on there 🙂

  • I collect sheep, mainly because they remind me of the beautiful Welsh mountains where there is just heather, grass and sheep and they always seems to bring me so much closer to God!
  • I am shy, so blogging is completely not a natural thing for me to do! But I perservere because I feel it is what God wants me to do, and I enjoy it so it is a good hobby for me.
  • I love worship, and really enjoy playing the piano and guitar and singing harmonies. I have lots of favourite songs, but one of the top ones at the moment is ‘You Hold Me Now’ because it brings me back to focus on our end destination – heaven!
  • I am a bookworm even though I struggle to make time for it now that I have children. I tend to just read Christian books and the occasional Jane Austen novel. My favourite Christian books are biographies, devotional and practical books.
  • My favourite Bible verse is ‘It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect’ Psalm 18:32
  • My favourite book of the Bible currently is 2 Corinthians, as it is so good for ministry, and encouraging me to find my strength in God.

Here is a picture of our family when we all dressed up in cowboy costumes recently! My husband is from Texas and is over here in the UK as a missionary – we met when I started going to the church that he helped plant in England. Our children are Caleb (5), Hope (4) and Josiah (2).

If you’re here for the first time, I usually write what God is teaching me about living for Him everyday. Here are my three most viewed posts if you would like a glimpse:

A different way of looking at trials

How to memorise Bible verses and not forget them

20 key Bible verses for everyday problems

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4 Responses

  1. Amy says:

    I am a bookworm as well and try to find time here and there when I can.
    It is nice to meet you,
    Amy @ Missional Mama

  2. Rhoda says:

    Thank you for visiting Amy, I will pop over to your blog too 🙂

  3. Becky says:

    What a blessing – I have just recently begun a blog. Your comments on “blog maintenance” were just what I needed to hear. Though I must confess, right now I am waiting on my youngest daughter to get here – she is grown and out on her own but loves to visit. I need her to help me with that stuff “blog maintenance” as computers can take life our of me.

    Take care and God bless.

  4. Patti says:

    Shy… check. Love to sing… check. Bookworm… check. We have a lot in common. 🙂 Nice to get to know you a little more. I had no idea your husband is from TX. That is where we live, but I am a transplanted New Englander. Our kids are Texans. Glad you shared Rhoda!