If Ever There was a Time to Pray for our Rulers…

Following our EU referendum and David Cameron’s resignation we’re faced with a shortlist of candidates for the role of Prime Minister of the UK. Whoever wins will have the difficult responsibility of navigating us through the Brexit from the EU.
The Bible says we are to ‘pray for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way’ (1 Timothy 2:2 ESV). Sadly I don’t pray for our rulers as often as I should, and I expect that many of us don’t. However this uncertain time in politics has flipped that around, and I find myself often praying that God would bring in the right person to govern us.
If you’re having trouble praying
I used to really struggle with the exhortation to ‘Pray without ceasing’. When I was younger I had a list of people to pray for each day. But since having babies that just hasn’t worked!
Now instead what I do is to pray about things I worry about (Phil 4v6). That has led on to me praying about things or people I think about, which is a good start towards praying without ceasing.
So I would encourage you – as often as you hear it in the news, or think about it – pray. Pray that God would put the right person in position (and I believe that there are some committed Christians in the running!) who would help us to lead quiet and godly lives.
Here’s a beautiful song by Casting Crowns which keeps coming to my mind – ‘If We’ve Ever Needed You’:
Then I will pray for our rulers to do the right things to our country.That’s all.
Ismael Brown recently posted…Hello world!