God Forgives!
You may understand and realise God’s forgiveness, but many Christians still live in guilt from the past, or feel condemned for a long time after they have done wrong. And even though they are told that God has forgiven them, they can’t seem to believe it.
Here are two verses I read the other day which are so clear. God does forgive us.
God is a God of mercy and forgiveness.
When we receive Christ as our Saviour He forgives our sins.
And He keeps forgiving us of sins after that – though we still need to confess them to God.
So we don’t need to feel guilty and condemned. Once we have confessed and repented it is gone, and we can get up again and start with a clean slate. The beauty of understanding this is that we can have joy in starting again.
I also love what the psalmist says about the result of God’s forgiveness – that He would be feared. When we understand the greatness of God’s compassion and mercy we will respect, honour and reverence Him all the more, and want to worship Him with all that we have.
There is a song that I have been listening to recently called ‘We Are Saved’ which talks about what Christ has done for us, setting us free.