God Loves to Bless Us & UK Fellowship Friday

We had a wonderful holiday in Holland, and I was very surprised because I hadn’t expected it to be so nice! But God blessed us with a lovely place to stay and we had great family time. I love nature, so to be staying in surroundings like this was rest for my soul!
It was even better than this usually, as our car wasn’t there!
Caleb coming back from examining the icy lake

We mixed up eating a bit, sometimes eating out and sometimes cooking our own food, and one day we were in a shopping centre, my husband was feeling terrible, and the kids were hungry. But we couldn’t find anywhere to eat that would work for us, so I shot a quick prayer up to heaven. ‘Lord, please help us to find a restaurant that we will all like quickly!’.

Two shops later, in the most unlikely, industrial, area of the shopping centre, there sprang into sight a lovely restaurant that was affordable, child-friendly (they even had on-the-wall jigsaw puzzles for while we waited) and had great food!

Then a few days later we decided to try and find a ‘Pannekoeken Huis’ – pancake restaurant. The Dutch make really big pancakes with bacon, or ham and cheese, or anything else you might want. It is like your own personal pizza but in pancake form, with syrup on the table – so yummy! So I googled it and found one roughly on the way between my grandma’s house and where we were staying.

We got to the town, and there was confetti strewn all over the streets and people dressed in funny costumes everywhere. Apparently there had been a carnival that day. When we found the pannekoeken huis it was absolutely choc-a-bloc with costumed people, and also with extremely loud music! Since we have small kids it was a bit too loud and busy, so we retreated and went back to our car feeling a bit sad that our attempt at finding pancakes had failed.

We drove towards home, and were going to try and find a place to eat somewhere on the way. The kids were hungry and we were all wondering whether we were going to find anywhere. I was starting to feel a bit anxious when the verse came into my mind:

“Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.” Matt 6:31-32

So I decided to pray again rather than worry – ‘Lord please help us to find a restaurant soon!’

A minute or so later, Clint said, ‘Is that pancakes I can smell?’, we got closer and closer, and we saw a place called ‘Peter Pan’, and it had a sign of a man standing on something, which looked more and more like… and yes it was… a pile of pancakes! At the same moment I saw the description – ‘Burgers & Pannekoeken’ and I yelled, ‘It’s got pancakes! Turn in!’

Yet again, God had blessed us beyond belief with a restaurant which was almost so good it would be worth going back to Holland just to go there! It was so child-friendly that I didn’t have to worry about the kids making noise, and we all had yummy big pancakes to eat even though it hadn’t shown up in Google 🙂

So my conclusion from all that was that God loves to bless us, and He also loves us to ask for things so that He can answer and bless us!

UK Fellowship Friday Blog Hop
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