Helpful Blog Posts in June

This is my first round up of blog posts! I haven’t done one yet because I have so little time to read, but I realised I could link to posts from the last month rather than just the last week – they should still be useful, right? 🙂

So here are some helpful posts that I actually got around to reading!

Forgiveness and Creativity – Why we need to forgive people, and ask God to bless them.

He Who Wins Souls Is… – What the Bible says about people who win souls, encouraging and challenging.

Intentionality of a Holy Life – This struck a chord in me, as it talks about seeking God intentionally.

Willing To… Serve? – Challenging post on why we should serve in church.

Top Ten Tips for Getting Up Early – Great for spending time with God. I would add to this that if you have a night-owl husband/wife then try to hit a compromise, and also if you have kids that are up in the night then schedule a back-up slot for your quiet time for if you are too tired and sleep in!

I’m A Planner – On seeking God’s will and trusting Him

At the weekend we are going away for a few days to a Pastor’s and Leader’s Conference, so though I have scheduled posts which will hopefully work (!) I may not be there to respond to comments. Hope you have a great week!

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4 Responses

  1. Sarah D says:

    Thank you for sharing – I haven’t read them all but the planning and being intentional were very good – I am often not intentional enough!
    Have a good weekend

  2. Rhoda says:

    Yes I loved that one – I think we often tend to cruise along at the same pace spiritually without really setting our hearts on seeking God.

  3. Anita says:

    Hay thanks Rhoda, how sweet of you

  4. Rhoda says:

    Thanks for writing good stuff Anita 🙂