Helpful Blog Posts in June
This is my first round up of blog posts! I haven’t done one yet because I have so little time to read, but I realised I could link to posts from the last month rather than just the last week – they should still be useful, right? 🙂
So here are some helpful posts that I actually got around to reading!
Forgiveness and Creativity – Why we need to forgive people, and ask God to bless them.
He Who Wins Souls Is… – What the Bible says about people who win souls, encouraging and challenging.
Intentionality of a Holy Life – This struck a chord in me, as it talks about seeking God intentionally.
Willing To… Serve? – Challenging post on why we should serve in church.
Top Ten Tips for Getting Up Early – Great for spending time with God. I would add to this that if you have a night-owl husband/wife then try to hit a compromise, and also if you have kids that are up in the night then schedule a back-up slot for your quiet time for if you are too tired and sleep in!
I’m A Planner – On seeking God’s will and trusting Him
At the weekend we are going away for a few days to a Pastor’s and Leader’s Conference, so though I have scheduled posts which will hopefully work (!) I may not be there to respond to comments. Hope you have a great week!
Thank you for sharing – I haven’t read them all but the planning and being intentional were very good – I am often not intentional enough!
Have a good weekend
Yes I loved that one – I think we often tend to cruise along at the same pace spiritually without really setting our hearts on seeking God.
Hay thanks Rhoda, how sweet of you
Thanks for writing good stuff Anita 🙂