I can’t resist sharing my new favourite things 🙂
New Favourite Song: Endless Hallelujah
This is my new favourite song that I have been listening to over the last week. The first time I heard I was captivated by the music and words, and I recognised some of them. Later as I looked it up I found that many of the original words were actually written by my hero Robert Murray M’Cheyne.
You might wonder why he’s my hero, but it’s because he inspired me so much when I read his biography. Then to my delight I ended up becoming a member of the church that he preached in, of course long after his death, and cycling often to the little village nearby where he used to go to pray, to pray myself.
Anyway here is the song, and the words are below it. Some of my favourite lines are ‘When I stand before Your throne’ – that immediately gives me hope and joy – and ‘no more tears or broken dreams’ – everything will be perfect one day! I don’t know if I agree with ‘forgotten is the minor key’ though, because I love minor keys, but I think they mean the sadness is forgotten 🙂
When I stand before Your throne
Dressed in glory not my own
What a joy I’ll sing of on that day
No more tears or broken dreams
Forgotten is the minor key
Everything as it was meant to be
And we will worship, worship
Forever in Your presence we will sing
We will worship, worship You
An endless hallelujah to the King
I will see You as You are
Love You with unsinning heart
And see how much You paid to bring me home
Not till then, Lord, shall I know
Not till then, how much I owe
Everything I am before Your throne
No more tears, no more shame
No more sin and sorrow ever known again
No more fears, no more pain
We will see You face to face
See You face to face
New Favourite Website: Scripture Typer
You can enter any Bible references you want, in any version, and it will automatically import them for you. You then have the option to ‘type’, ‘memorise’ or ‘master’ them.
Typing them helps you to memorise as you are going over it in your head each time. Memorising them means that they take some of the words out and you have to try to type it without them. Mastering means it is completely blank and you have to type it all from memory!
What I love about it is not only that it has these options, but that it keeps track of how many times you have reviewed them and when you need to review them next, and also gives you the option of only typing the first letter of each word which is great for if you are memorising a chapter and it would take you ages to type every word in!
I joined in Ann’s Romans Project which is to memorise Romans 1, 8 and 12 by the end of the year, although I’m not giving myself a deadline since I have other memorising going on.
But I would also like to invite you to join a project that I put on there. For a while now our church has been giving out what we consider the top 45 Bible verses which we consider will help you to minister to others in a pack of little cards called ‘Ministry Training’
I have added all of those to a new collection of the website called Ministry Training, and would love it if you could join in! The great thing about this website is that there is no time pressure, you can do it all in your own time, so if you memorise one verse a year it’s fine! You can just click on the link below and then join the site and then the group if you are interested, it’s all free.
United Kingdom, TX
Ministry Training
I also want to recommend their ‘Top 100’ collection that is on the website as they all look like really good scriptures to memorise too.
Linking up to Spiritual Sundays
Hi I popped over from Spiritual Sunday and very much enjoyed this. Matt Redman’s praise and worship music ministry has been such a blessing to me through the years and this is another lovely song he sings. Thank you for the uplifting visit.
I agree with Kaye. Matt Redmond has been and remains a blessing. So many of his songs are written in the old hymn style, one or two of them actually sound like old-time hymns.
We sometimes sing ‘Endless Hallelujah’ together in my wife’s small group. Lovely to listen, lovely to join in 🙂
Thanks for sharing it here, Rhoda.
It just may be one of my new favorites, too. What will it be like to love Jesus with sin-free heart?
Eager to check out the Scripture site.
Hi Kaye, yes I do like a lot of Matt Redman’s songs too. I think because of the style they are written in they can be easier to sing as congregation, and to remember, too.
Chris I’m jealous that you get to sing it in your small group!
Hi Pamela, I know – a sin free heart sounds so good, and loving Jesus like that must be amazing!
I am so happy that you showed me the Scripture Typer group. It is wonderful to memorise God’s Word, and to learn the verses in such a fun way too.
Yes often now when I have the choice I will review scripture on there rather than in the usual way because it’s more fun!