Living To Please God Blog

Pure Pleasure

We often have to fight problems that come with pleasure, like when we give them too much time so that they cut out more important things or dull our love for God. Or when...

Choosing Our Response

I think God is trying to show me right now that I can choose my response to what happens to me. In my head I know this, but my will and heart often need...

It’s All About Him

Do you ever find that it takes you a while to remember what worship is really about? In church this morning it wasn’t until the last verse of the second song that I suddenly...

Introducing UK Fellowship Friday Blog Hop

Last year I was really struggling with feeling tired all the time. One thing that helped me more than anything was our weekly home fellowship. I was able to chat about the Bible (with no...

Bible Reading Plans

Since it is a new year, I thought it would be a good time to post a few Bible reading plans. I should really have done it earlier than this, but little Josiah has...

Giveaway Winner and Favourite December Posts

Since our 6 year old son, Caleb, recently read through the whole Bible in the New Living Translation, I thought it would be appropriate for him to pick out the winner of the giveaway, since it...