Strength Will Rise… My Journey out of Continual Tiredness
Having just written on the danger of getting tired, I wanted to post about what got me out of my state of continual exhaustion and burnout. It took me going to a pastor’s wives’...
Having just written on the danger of getting tired, I wanted to post about what got me out of my state of continual exhaustion and burnout. It took me going to a pastor’s wives’...
This week I read Greg Laurie’s blog where he talked about strength in troubled times. He and his wife lost their son to a car accident not very long ago, so he knows what...
Photo credit: Robert Michie I’ve never liked the expression ‘Don’t be so heavenly minded that you’re of no earthly good’. I don’t think it agrees with the Bible which says ‘Set your minds on...
As I shared in my last post, I am very prone to exhausting myself if I’m not careful, and I have realised through experience how dangerous that can be, as it can discourage me...
I’ve just had a very busy ministry weekend and am feeling exhausted! Whenever I feel like this it reminds me of the danger of getting tired. I have a tendency to do too much...
Some of my favourite worship songs are about heaven or Jesus coming back, and many of the hymns I love have a last verse about heaven. I love them so much because when I...
The other night my husband asked the question at a Bible study, ‘If you surrendered your life for God what would be the worst thing that could happen to you?’ And of course the...
When I was growing up I read the children’s classic ‘Pollyanna’ and it totally changed my thinking for life. Even though it’s not a Christian book I believe it encourages a Biblical principle, although...
Everyday when I read the Bible I write down how to apply it to my life. Typically I end up with four or five different things that I need to do, or to change....
There are a lot of reasons why memorizing passages and books of the Bible is so helpful. I remember reading about a Christian in China who knew she was going to end up in...