Recommended Book: Through Gates of Splendour
But whether you read his diaries in Shadow of the Almighty or about him and his wifes’ relationship in ‘Passion and Purity’ or about their missionary story in ‘Through Gates of Splendour’ they are all inspiring. Reading them makes me want to draw closer to God, to live for Him and give my all for things that are of eternal value.
If you are dating, then Passion and Purity is a great place to start. I want to recommend Through Gates of Splendor
though, because it is a great starting point for someone who hasn’t read that many Christian books. It is a biography which is easy to read, and also very interesting. But alongside that it has many inspiring quotes from letters written by the missionaries which should stir us all up in our walk with God.
I recently bought it for my 7 year old son, and since it is still quite hard language for him to read I recently decided I would start reading it to him every night. He loves it, and I hope and pray that one day he will be like Jim Elliot in his passion for God.
This is a quote from Jim Elliot when he hadn’t yet gone out as a missionary:
Lovely. I have got it on my shelf. Should read it soon–or better still, get it on CD to listen to on my walks! (Walking off weight!!)
That’s a good idea! I need to do that too 🙂