Remember What God Has Called You To

When I was first married, my husband was a youth pastor. I remember thinking to myself that it would be really hard if he ever became a pastor of a church because we’d have to deal with all the problems that go with it.

When he did take over the pastoring of a church, sometimes I did find it incredibly difficult and heartbreaking.
After a while though, I realised something. I want to share it because I think Christians in all walks of life can be encouraged to persevere if they remind themselves of this:
Remember what God has called you to, and persevere in it regardless of the circumstances.

When I am discouraged I remember that God has called us to where we are and what we’re doing, and we need to keep plodding on and be faithful, not be set back by what has happened. It helps me to look forward and upward, rather than backward or around me.
For students in school who feel like they don’t have any friends, they can remember that they can please God and do their best for Him in what He’s called them to do regardless of whether anyone likes them or not.
For mums at home who feel like no-one appreciates them, they can remember that God has called them to love their family and to please Him.
For those who feel like leaving their church, they can reflect as a good friend of mine told me she did recently, on whether they have been called to move to a different church. If they haven’t then I believe they need to stick at it and remember God wants them there and carry on despite whatever else is going on.
My husband was preaching on Sunday about being ‘strong in the Lord’ and he gave the example of David who was being hunted for by Saul and in danger of his life. But his friend Jonathan strengthened him in the Lord by reminding him of his calling and that God had anointed him to be king.

In Pilgrim’s Progress, Christian only got to the Celestial City by keeping on along that path, through all the trials, obstacles and distractions.

Let’s remind ourselves and others of this, especially as we are in the discouraging season of Winter, and as we start a New Year – remember your calling and persevere!

And let us not grow weary while doing good, 
for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. 
Galatians 6:9

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2 Responses

  1. David Cuff says:

    Good word Rhoda…
    This article was for me at this time for sure….

  2. Rhoda says:

    Thank you, I know I always need to remind myself! Hope you guys are OK 🙂