What I Loved About Creation Fest 2015

Our church family setting up camp last year at Creation Fest

Our Church family setting up camp last year at Creation Fest – I forgot to take any photos this year!

A little over a week ago I came back from a great time at Creation Fest, which is a free Christian Music Festival and Bible Week held in Cornwall, UK. The first one I went to was in 2004 and it has gradually increased in size, attendance and awesomeness each year! You can see a great video with some of its highlights below:


For the past few years I have been a volunteer in the Kids Tent, so my view of Creation Fest is slightly limited to the inside of the Kids Tent, my own tent and a few fields and roads in between… but I still want to share some things that I loved about it this year:

  • Lives were changed – children, young people and adults became Christians, had their lives changed, recommitted their lives to God, and found a joy that is like nothing else! In the Kids Tent we had 71 kids give their lives to Jesus! I got to lead two children to Christ, and help two others rededicate their lives which was a real blessing.
  • The Kids Tent worship was great fun – one day I was feeling disappointed that I couldn’t get to the volunteer devotions in the morning because of getting kids up and breakfasted, and as I was praying I realised we probably have the best worship in the whole site anyway!! The Josh Walker Band added some friends to make ‘The Jelly Beans’ and led us in some great action songs. I’ll link to the songs at the bottom so you can start dancing around the house like us 😉
  • Our children loved every minute of it – here’s my quote of the week: “Mummy, please can you take us to the Kid’s Tent, because when Daddy took us we were late!” I always got there early because I was volunteering, so they never had any chance of being late, and of course Daddy tried to get them there on time but didn’t always succeed!
  • Our church bonding – quite a big group from our church went and had great fun camping, cooking and eating together. I think these kind of things are really valuable for churches as it gives a great opportunity for fellowship and spiritual input.
  • Being a part of God’s work – in the years that I couldn’t volunteer because I had babies, I would look longingly at the orange shirts thinking, “I want to be one of those!” (even though I would never pick an orange shirt out of choice!). Now I actually get to be one – and even though it is busy and tiring at times, I love knowing that I am contributing to God’s Kingdom being expanded and people growing in the knowledge of God and His Word.
  • A taste of heaven – as Pastor Brian Broderson mentioned in one of the live feed videos, Creation Fest is like a little taste of heaven. We get to meet up again with our brothers and sisters in Christ and have great fellowship and fun together just like we will one day in heaven. I served alongside some great people, and we have some sweet friends that are a long way across the country from us and I love to have fun together and catch up and talk of spiritual things.
  • The live feed is amazing – because I was in the kids tent I missed out on pretty much everything from everywhere else as the only time I was free was the evenings and mostly that meant getting dinner, showering the kids and putting them to bed! But thanks to the live feed that is archived at the moment, I can catch up on everything in the Big Shed, including teaching, worship, music and backstage interviews – all as I’m cooking or folding laundry J

I just want to conclude by saying a big thank you to all the organisers, volunteers and sponsors that made Creation Fest possible.

Also please do check out the website and seriously consider coming next year (6-12th August 2016) whether you are searching for answers, looking to grow spiritually, go skateboarding or want to hear some good Christian music! They also need lots of volunteers if that’s where your heart is!

Also in the meantime you can catch up on the Live Feed to see what went on in the Big Shed, and in the next few weeks there will be teaching up on the website that is from the other venues as well.

Here are the songs we learned in the Kids Tent this year!

Linking up to Tell Me A True Story, Good Morning Mondays, Soul Survival and Inspire Me Monday


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7 Responses

  1. Joanne Viola says:

    Sharing these children videos with my granddaughters, whom I am watching today 🙂 So glad to have stopped here!
    Joanne Viola recently posted…Old and NewMy Profile

  2. Rhoda says:

    That’s great! I always like finding new songs for my kids too 🙂

  3. Hazel Moon says:

    What a wonderful way to celebrate Creation and have fun singing and worshiping. Praise God for those who received Jesus and for all the volunteer workers. It is truly a time of bonding in Christian Love when you can attend these type of events. Thanks for sharing with us here at “Tell me a Story.” http://letmetelluastory.blogspot.com/
    Hazel Moon recently posted…REVERSALSMy Profile

  4. Naomi says:

    I have recently come back from taking our youth group to Soul Survivor http://talkingchristian.blogspot.co.uk/2015/08/my-lovehate-relationship-with-soul.html#links I agree it’s amazing to see lives changed and freed and to bond as a group!
    Naomi recently posted…My Love/Hate Relationship With Soul SurvivorMy Profile

    • Rhoda says:

      That’s great, so glad it helped your youth group! I went there once – to Passion for Your Name, I remember some really good worship and talks. I’m off to read your blog post now 🙂

  1. 14 September, 2015

    […] few days after I’d written my last post, ‘What I Loved About Creation Fest 2015’, I realised that I had missed something. One of the greatest things about it, which I didn’t […]