Which Bible and Christian Book Would You Take to a Desert Island?

I like thinking about ‘what ifs’ sometimes, just for fun, and I thought it would be interesting to ask this:

If you were to be stranded alone on a desert island, and could have one Bible and one Christian book what would you choose to have with you?

What I would like to take:

Thompson Chain Reference Bible – I love this Bible because it has a massive index of topics in the back so you can find whatever you are interested in, and also lots of other ideas for study, Bible helps and great maps. I would take the New King James Version because it’s my favourite!

Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible – for a long time I thought I would want Baxter’s Christian Directory (by saying ‘a long time’ that shows I’ve been thinking about this for a while!!) because it has so much practical wisdom and advice. But then I realised that if I had Matthew Henry’s Commentary it would help me understand the Bible better as well as helping me apply it, since he is very good at making it relevant for daily life.

It is very deep, and comments on scripture by using other scriptures. It is also very devotional – it inspires me to love God more, and it’s big so it would keep me going for a long long time!

I feel quite spoilt asking which Bible you would take, as I know that in countries where there is persecution, it can be hard to even get hold of one Bible. We are blessed to have as many choices and Bible helps and notes as we do.

On a side note, you can download the entire Matthew Henry commentary for free if you download E-Sword, also free, which is a great resource. And there is The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge on there which is wonderful for finding parallel passages, and Torrey’s topics to find verses on different topics. So I guess if we could take a laptop to the desert island we’d be sorted!

What do you think? I would love to hear which Bible and Christian book you would like to have on a desert island, so please leave a comment if you would like to share!

Linking up with On Your Heart Tuesdays, Soli Deo Gloria, Winsome Wednesdays, Women Living Well (see sidebar for buttons)

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10 Responses

  1. Leah says:

    Ooooh that’s a hard one – I’d want to take so many but I think I’d take the Message translation of the bible and ‘Compelled by love’ by Heidi Baker

  2. Amy says:

    I think I would take the New Living bible as it is my favourite. I would like a wide margin one so I could scribble in it.
    The book is a bit cheeky as I would like a complete “Christian Heroes: Then and Now”. I am reading to my girls and I love hearing about all the amazing things God has done through people. I don’t think there is a big complete one so that is why it is cheeky! I think that would inspire me to seek God on my desert Island.

  3. I love my Amplified Bible!

    Christian book … hmmm. I do like Adrian Plass – he’s funny, but he also writes beautiful poetry. But I think I would take Maurice Barratt’s series on The Sermon on the Mount. I’ve attended his teaching on this subject and it TRANSFORMED my walk with the Lord.


  4. Rhoda says:

    I love how everyone is so different!

    Leah thank you, I will have to check that book out!

    Amy – I know what you mean about biographies, they always inspire me to seek God!

    Alison thanks for the link, I will look at it as I haven’t heard of Maurice Barratt. I have heard of Adrian Plass but have never yet read any of his books.

  5. Jenn says:

    What a great subject! I would take my NASB Greek key word study bible.. although I am right now having to stop taking it places because it is falling out of the binding.. i still love it though.. and hmm.. as for book.. that’s a toughie.. I love love books! the book that has impacted my life the most was do you think i am beautiful by angela thomas.. but i don’t know if I would take that. I would defionatly want a ton of journals though.. i love journals!

  6. Rhoda says:

    Hi Jenn, a Greek Key Word Study Bible does sound a cool thing to take. I also love books, which is why I took a long time deciding which book to take lol! I will have to look into the book you mentioned, thanks for commenting 🙂

  7. I like my Scofield Bible with its notes, but I have other favorites too. This would be a difficult decision. The book I probably would take the Websters Dictionary. And may I also take a pencil and a notebook? Good thoughts on your post!

  8. jenny says:

    I don’t know. perhaps Gurnall’s the Christian in complete armour!

  9. Rhoda says:

    Hi Robert, a Scofield would be good, I used to love mine before it fell apart! I think we should definitely be able to take a pen and lots of notebooks 🙂

    Hi Jenny, I have heard good things about that book but have not read it yet, so might get it one day 🙂 I’m sure it would be great reading!

  10. What a great question! I will have to ponder that. I enjoyed reading everyone’s answers though!
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